Brandon watched as his best friend broke down into tears after he received a phone call saying that his only sister was in a bad car wreck and is now in the hospital, and the doctors do not know if she will be able to walk again. Brandon knew that his friend could go in a good-sunny-day way or a bad-under-the-clouds way because of the accident, and his emotions. Just like Brandon’s friend, a difficult time affected him. Bad times can affect people by sadness and anger, or in a good way by realizing how good life is when it is normal.

When awful problems happen, people can become sad or angry, they could turn into Oscar the grouch. For example, if someone’s house burnt down and they lost all of their loved belongings, the person that it happened to would probably mourn ,cry, and be unhappy over what they lost. They could be sad that they could never live in the same house again. The house they were raised in. The house that most of the best memories of their lives were created. Or, that they were not able to save their most memorable and important picture. A picture that could make them smile every time they looked at it. What if they lost a loved pet poodle that always gave them company when they felt lonely, and made the person happy every time they came home because of the dog’s unconditional love. They might be angry that they will not have a cuddle buddy to make them happy anymore. These examples can make a person have a no-good-very-bad-day every day just like Alexander. It is hard to let go, but being angry all the time can make any of the strongest people sad from keeping it all inside, instead of just letting it go and feeling better. Overall, when tragedy strikes and hits people unexpectedly, it can change people by making them live in an unhappy lifestyle.

Everyone goes through hard times, but sometimes when people are trying to be positive, it makes them realize how great life really is when it is normal. At first, the victim might think they have nothing, like empty-hole-in-space-nothing, but when they actually think about it, they realize that they have more than they could imagine. When a city member is in a bad situation and they live in a small, caring town like mine, the loving community would come together and try to help. The town could donate money, food, and other necessities or put together a fundraiser that could cause a person to realize how many people care about them and know that they are trying to make them feel better. Also, if someone is hurting, they might stand back and look at the bigger, better picture. They would stop and think “It could always be worse.” and it would make them feel better. They would have so much to be thankful for. Bad scenes happen all the time and if the person handles what is happening, it can actually make them happy by knowing how many people care, and having reasons to be thankful for.

Tragedies happen all the time and impact people in many ways, in an incredibly good way or in a bad way, just like Brandon’s friend who received the phone call. These situations can make people sad or angry, or it can make them happy by knowing how awesome their lives really are when they are normal.