Feature Story
The young fighter opened the box and she saw something that made her smile bigger than she has in a long time. Locks of Love donated a wig to junior, Jim Stack’s little sister. Stack now wants to grow his hair out to make-up for it.
Stacks wants to grow his hair out, but it takes at least ten inches to be able to donate. The dress code states that males hair cannot pass his collar. The school board meets Friday to see if he can.
“I had not seen a smile on her face in a long time.” Stack said.
Stack enjoyed his sister being happy. He just wanted to grow her hair out to make Locks of Love happy like they did for his sister and family.
“I was disappointed when Mrs.King turned my request down.” Stack said.
He really cares about this group that brought joy to his little sister and he became sad when Principal King denied his request to help the group by donating his hair.
“I am proud of Jim. He wants to help the group and that means a lot to our family.” Holly Stack, Jim’s mother said.
Stack’s efforts to grow out his hair mean a lot to not only himself, but also to his family. Jim hopes to inspire other people to give to the group.
“I hope the school board understands. I won’t be hurting anyone when my hair gets longer.” Stack said.
He is so serious about this he even tried to better the situation by agreeing to tuck his hair into his shirt to make it less noticeable.
“I was moved by Jim’s passion to donate his hair. Every month we receive about 200 request from families who cannot afford a wig for their sick child, and every month we have to turn down about 150 of those request.” Gisel Roco, president of Locks of Love said.
Locks of Love appreciates all that they can get. They desperately need human hair, almost anyone can donate money, but it takes time and dedication to grow your hair out to donate. It makes it more special when you take that kind of time.
“He told me felt hopeless about the whole ordeal.” Gilbert Castillo, student council president said.
Stack did not want anyone else to feel the hopelessness he felt, so he wanted to donate to the group.
“I think it is cool Jim wants to do this.” Castillo said.