Current Event Week 2

Topic: A storm called “El Nino” could possibly be the biggest storm since the 50’s.


Title: 2015 El Nino Could Be One of Strongest Since the 1950’s.




Summary: El Nino is a big storm that is one of the biggest since the 50’s. A change in climate happened in the Pacific ocean so it has caused this storm. This storm can last from four to eight months.


Reaction: I think it is kinda crazy how a storm could get this big. I also think it is crazy that one storm could last at least four to eight months. This affects me because it shows me that storms are actually a big factor. The storm itself does not affect me much though because where I am I kinda far away. If I was closer to the storm I think it would affect me more than it does now.


World Impact: This will definitely affect many parts of the world. This will show the world that storms affect our everyday lives. This storm will also mainly affect the parts of the world that it may hit. This will tell the world to prepare for this big storm. El Nino will show the world that storms are very important to pay attention too and that they can change the way we live.    

Journalism Photo Project

Journalism Photo Project

Photo Project

The writing process is like…

Untitled presentation



Cover Letter


Extended Metaphor Poem- I am a Car

I am a Sports Car


You might think I’m just

a fifteen-year-old girl

with brown hair

and green eyes

But I know I am more,

way more than that

not a rainbow or cloud

not a plant or a flower

A car

a slow-moving car

when I am upset

or in sadness

when I lay in bed crying

watching a sad movie on Netflix

I’m a car stuck


not moving

people annoyed

wanting to get out

But when I become happy,

my ride starts again

peoples faces light up

and smile

I become a relaxing,

cruising car on the winding roads

surprising everyone with my

smoothness and jerkiness

I begin to do a U-turn

and flip around

I’m constantly going

until I get parked

then my journey ends

I take a breath and start again

The brown-haired

green-eyed girl

is a car

a slow, fast, exciting, boring, weird car

all in one ride

Expository Essay- Cell Phone Effects

“ZZZZZZZZZZZ. ZZZZZZZZZ.” The phone vibrates Mandy’s pocket as she receives a text message on her new Apple iPhone6. She pulled it out with great caution like her life was in the palms of her hands. Little did Mandy know, that one little bow of metal and wires would change her life forever. Phones change lives daily. Cell phones change lives all the time by expanding knowledge, and by making people non-social.

Those tiny little boxes change lives by making people who can work them more knowledgeable. For example, American high school teenagers use their phones all the time in school to improve their education. Some use apps like “Quizlet” to study by making and taking quizzes. The students who use this app can also use other students quizzes from all over the United States to make themselves smarter. In addition, when the average social media users, a mom, teenager, or grandpa, are on social media sites, they can learn about news, or just people. Apps like “Facebook” help people stay in touch. The users can read statuses about how Jill just got a new shirt, or a man in Gregg county went missing. These are both examples on how people change their lives and become more knowledgeable every day with cell phones.

In a different perspective, cell phones can make a user non-social in person. For example, they can create awkward situations when the user is offline. Imagine a teenage girl texting someone she liked, and then they met in person. The situation would probably be awkward because online, they can use “emojis” and slang like “lol.” They would actually have to talk and that can cause awkward situations. In addition, cell phones can make people nonsocial by making themselves conscious. Users see ads with models that have perfectly tanned, toned bodies with the clothes that complement them perfectly. Oh yea, you can’t forget the flowing, silk-like hair. Some users think of themselves badly because they do not have all of what the models have.Overall, cell phones change people by making them non-social.

Therefore, those little boxes in everyone’s pockets that vibrate change lives constantly. These boxes, cell phones, change people by expanding knowledge and by making people non-social.

Expository Essay- How Extreme Emotion Effects People’s Lives

Brandon watched as his best friend broke down into tears after he received a phone call saying that his only sister was in a bad car wreck and is now in the hospital, and the doctors do not know if she will be able to walk again. Brandon knew that his friend could go in a good-sunny-day way or a bad-under-the-clouds way because of the accident, and his emotions. Just like Brandon’s friend, a difficult time affected him. Bad times can affect people by sadness and anger, or in a good way by realizing how good life is when it is normal.

When awful problems happen, people can become sad or angry, they could turn into Oscar the grouch. For example, if someone’s house burnt down and they lost all of their loved belongings, the person that it happened to would probably mourn ,cry, and be unhappy over what they lost. They could be sad that they could never live in the same house again. The house they were raised in. The house that most of the best memories of their lives were created. Or, that they were not able to save their most memorable and important picture. A picture that could make them smile every time they looked at it. What if they lost a loved pet poodle that always gave them company when they felt lonely, and made the person happy every time they came home because of the dog’s unconditional love. They might be angry that they will not have a cuddle buddy to make them happy anymore. These examples can make a person have a no-good-very-bad-day every day just like Alexander. It is hard to let go, but being angry all the time can make any of the strongest people sad from keeping it all inside, instead of just letting it go and feeling better. Overall, when tragedy strikes and hits people unexpectedly, it can change people by making them live in an unhappy lifestyle.

Everyone goes through hard times, but sometimes when people are trying to be positive, it makes them realize how great life really is when it is normal. At first, the victim might think they have nothing, like empty-hole-in-space-nothing, but when they actually think about it, they realize that they have more than they could imagine. When a city member is in a bad situation and they live in a small, caring town like mine, the loving community would come together and try to help. The town could donate money, food, and other necessities or put together a fundraiser that could cause a person to realize how many people care about them and know that they are trying to make them feel better. Also, if someone is hurting, they might stand back and look at the bigger, better picture. They would stop and think “It could always be worse.” and it would make them feel better. They would have so much to be thankful for. Bad scenes happen all the time and if the person handles what is happening, it can actually make them happy by knowing how many people care, and having reasons to be thankful for.

Tragedies happen all the time and impact people in many ways, in an incredibly good way or in a bad way, just like Brandon’s friend who received the phone call. These situations can make people sad or angry, or it can make them happy by knowing how awesome their lives really are when they are normal.

Expository Essay- How Seeing Situations Through Other People’s Eyes is Important

Paisley, a freshman in high school, starts chatting with her friend at the corner of the crowded school hallway. She makes fun of her friend’s “too little girly” shirt as a joke, but that is not the way Kyndal [the friend] saw it. Once the conversation was over, Kyndal weaved her way through people to her locker, grabbed one of her extra shirts, and sprinted to the bathroom and changed shirts. She was majorly embarrassed and wished Paisley knew how that made her feel. Like Kyndal’s situation, it is important to see situations through other people’s eyes. It is important to see situations through other people’s eyes because another person does not know what the other person has been through, and it may hurt someone’s feelings.

Looking at situations through someone else’s point of view is important for people because the person does not know what all the other person has been through. For example, Tally, is arguing with her mom over if she should be able to go to the baseball game tonight, even though she is flunking her French class. Her mom says no in a no-means-no tone because she is upset with Tally’s grades and wants her to pass instead of going to watch her boyfriend at the baseball game. Like Tally, people often do and say things that do not need to be said unless you know how the other person will feel. In addition, a typical, no-care-in-the-world teenage boy shows up to class with an empty hand that should be holding his homework that is done perfectly. Mrs.Parker, his math teacher, was a tad upset with him because he had not done his homework, so she raised her voice and told him that he should have done it. The mad, angry, upset teenager with a red face of anger does the same thing back at his caring teacher. Like this teenagers situation, we normally do not care about looking through other people’s eyes, and we do not even know what they have been through, or if they care. It is super important to look at situations through other people’s eyes because we do not know what all has happened to them.

Another reason to look through another person’s eyes is because it is possible to hurt someone else’s feelings. For example, if a, again, no-care-in-the-world teenage boy says something hateful about a young, crazy-about-what-everyone-thinks girl, it could offend her. The careless boy did not look at it the way the girl did, and it ended up  hurting the girl’s feelings. In addition, it is possible to hurt a person’s, self-confidence if we don’t look at it through their viewpoint. To illustrate, a young woman with body issues went to the beach with all of the tanned, toned, perfect bodies. She looks over at the rolling waves and sees two other young girls whispering and laughing at her. Now because she was made fun of, she never gets to enjoy the salty air, blowing breeze, or the exciting summer sun because other girls did not look at the situation through her eyes. Therefore, it is unknowingly important to see through another citizen’s eyes.

In conclusion, either a friend to friend talk, or a mom and daughter situation, seeing what we say and do in someone else’s eyes is vital because we do not always know what other people have been through, and it could hurt their feelings.


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