Friday, January 16th will start the beginning of district for the JV and freshman basketball teams. The first district game will be here against New Diana.
“Practice mainly consist of running back and down the court and trying to improve.” Freshman basketball player Stone Palmer said.
The teams work hard in practice to build up their skills and improve for the district games that are coming up.
“Playing with people in different grades is fun because you get to see how your skill level matches up to theirs.” Freshman basketball player Elijah Trest said.
Trying to get better for district is obviously important to the JV and freshman basketball teams. With long, hard practices, the teams prepare for upcoming games. They kind of make a competition between each other in practices.
“[When I go to away games] I listen to music and get in the right mindset.” Freshman basketball player Max Lamana said.
Lamana does this on the way to away games to become more serious about the games he is heading to. He also said that he enjoyed away games rather than home games.
“This years basketball season is harder than last year because you have to be more disciplined in your actions and the way you play games.” Trest said.
The coaches work harder with the freshman and JV players than they worked last year, but the players say that the hard working practices pay off when they play in games.
“Basketball is important to me because it enables me to build deep relationships with my already-good-friends and play the game I love.” Freshman basketball player Andrew Hood said.